Print Liberation
In 2009, as president of PRODUCE Exhibitions, I curated an exhibition of Philadelphia based duo Jamie Dillon and Nick Paparone's print project "Print Liberation" at Temple University's Tyler School of Art.
About Print Liberation:
Print Liberation Print Liberation started over 10 years ago as two friends printing t-shirts in their parent’s basement. It was 1999, before the DIY market had a name, and just after Nirvana’s Nevermind album had sunk deep into their adolescent hearts. Long nights printing hundreds of band shirts and posters, earned us a straightforward and concise design sensibility that clients now request. Print Liberation planted its creative roots in screen-printing.
Today, Print Liberation is a full service creative serviceagency that works primarily at the intersection of art, design, community and commerce-we are self labeled Brandgineers. We specialize in brand story and lifestyle, to initial brand exploratory, brand re-invigoration, web and print marketing, to full blown ad campaigns.