Video > It's Just Not Fair

It's Just Not Fair

Some Women May Die...But You May Snag A Millionaire Husband: The Time-based Works of Angela Washko, Sorbus Galleria, Helsinki Finland, 2014
Angela Washko: It's Just Not Fair, Austin Peay State University, Clarksville TN, 2013
Collar City Film Festival #2, City Hall, Troy NY, 2013
Summer Job, Commons Gallery, UC San Diego

The main protagonist in Sailor Moon is female. This was appealing to me as a child and is still appealing to me today. However despite the fact that all five protagonists in the show are female, throughout my childhood I still found myself identifying with the male villains in the series. Until now I wondered why that was. After re-watching season one of Sailor Moon, I decided to boil the main character (Sailor Moon aka Serena) to her essence. Another female character designed to rely on a male protagonist (Tuxedo Mask); a character defined by her desire/need for male attention; a character who is always falling/crying/running/yelling for help.